As you start on this journey towards becoming an Intuitive Eater, it’s important to know where you’re starting from. As with anything in life, we want to know our starting and end point.

So… How do you figure out where you’re starting from? All of my clients AND anyone who signs up for a free mini-session, are given the Intuitive Eating Assessment created by Tracy Tylka in partnership with Evelyn Tribole and Elise Resch, the creators of Intuitive Eating. This assessment was created as a research tool to assess several different areas of Intuitive Eating. Essentially, it gives individuals a starting point AND an idea of where to focus your first efforts.

This assessment is short, but powerful. Every client that I have coached, has walked away with several AHA moments and solid ideas of how to move forward.

Do you have food rules that you follow, even if you don’t consider it a diet? 

Do you avoid certain foods, or eat according to a schedule?

Do you find that you reach for food during emotional times? 

Do you cope with stress, loneliness, anxiety, etc, with food?

Do you generally choose food that you enjoy? 

Do you choose foods that nourish your body?

Becoming an Intuitive Eater is not a straight line. It is a journey that has twists, turns, hills and valleys. On this journey you will find yourself questioning the process, questioning yourself, and questioning if this is right for you. All of that is completely normal… hard, but normal.

As I tell all of my coaching clients, dieting is a quick fix that does not work long-term. Intuitive Eating is the long game. Are you in it for the long game? Do you want to win the quarter or the championship?

So, what are you waiting for? Click here to set up an free mini session to find your starting point.


Brooke Spendlove

I’m a certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and NASM Certified Personal Trainer, and the owner and creator of Spendlove Coaching.

My own wellness journey led me to getting my Master’s Degree in Health and Wellness Coaching from Creighton University – Go Blujays!

I help my clients discover that they are the experts of themselves. Using the tools learned inside my program and during coaching sessions, clients learn how to shift their mindset, taking back the power they have lost to dieting and diet culture